I had a wonderful fall session with this long time client of mine. I first met this to be mom and dad when they were pregnant with their daughter, who is now seven. It’s hard to believe these beautiful and loving children are already seven and five! I was able take a stroll with in a park and play with their kids, while having meaningful conversations with the parents. I don’t think this time could have gone any smoother, and I’m truly thankful I get clients such as these.
Summer Family Session
I adore this family! The girls picked out their own outfits for our time together, each towing along their favorite comfort toy. These two aren’t afraid to get dirty, run around any park and climb trees. They love to skip, jump and play hide n seek, which all made for a fabulous time. Even better, Mom and Dad are equally involved and willing to skip and play hide n seek together as a family. There is no shortage of laughter and love within this family!
In home family session
To get to see this family adding a second baby into their lives tugged at my heart strings. Cora is so easy going, has the cutest little baby snorts and has highly contagious giggles. Older brother Grant loves to tickle his little sister and is easily amused. We had a lovely afternoon of bed snuggles, feet tickling and some outdoor park time. Capturing images that are real in the moment with little guidance, this family nailed it.
In home family session
I’m amazed each time I see this family. Their love keeps on growing, as well as their eight year old daughter! I first met this sweet family eight years ago, when they were brand new parents to the sweetest little newborn. They were overjoyed welcoming their daughter into this world, and it’s incredibly sweet to see how much affection this family has for one another. An added bonus, they now have a furry family member!
Beach Holiday Session
I can’t believe this is the fifth year I’ve photographed this family, and Mr. D is already seven years old and in first grade! We had a warm and sunny day at the beach, and it’s the beginning of November! This family is fabulous with the best props, and check out their sweaters!
Fall Family Session - Golden Gardens
I adore this little boy and watching him grow each year! We had an early morning session, with a bit of a wind chill. Did this little one mind, nope! We had fun walking around, discovering shells along the shore and he enjoyed being tossed up in the air by his parents! I mean, what kid doesn’t enjoy that?!
Fall Family Session - Luther Burbank
This family melts my heart, and watching these siblings interact bring out such sweet moments. They play together, hold hands and genuinely enjoy one another. Jennifer and Chris are playful and engaged with their children, and their furry family member is always near.
We were so lucky to have such a beautiful day for their photo session!
Family Session - Discovery Park
This family always warms my heart. They're silly, gentle and have such beautiful hearts, and it truly shows with each girl. These daughters get along so well, I have no doubt they will be close as they get older. A very sweet natured family!
Family Session - Seattle Arboretum
Another year photographing this beautiful family. These children are a blast while enjoying nature and they don't care about getting dirty, which is always bonus points. These sisters are adorable together, and truly enjoy the company of one another. Early mornings at the Seattle Arboretum was a lovely choice for the location.
Family Session - Seward Park, Seattle
I loved catching up with this family, and of course getting to spend time with their adorable dog, Cookie. It was cold, and muddy in some places, and this child didn't mind getting muddy paw prints on her. It's worth it when you get to carry and hug your dog. To top it off, she had the perfect boots for the day!
Fall Family Session - Seattle Arboretum
These two boys are energetic and playful with one another. Bubbles were a big hit, but aren't they with most children?! I love capturing the smiles and laughter in this family. The dog came along too, which I always love.
Fall Family Session - Golden Gardens
It's worth it to get to the beach before it's crowded, which I'll admit isn't that hard when it's November. This family is a gem, and these kids are so much fun! One is enrolled in an outdoor preschool, so she never minded the elements. The older brother has grown so much since I last saw him, and it's hard to believe he's already in kindergarten!
Fall Family Session - Discovery Park
I first met this family a few years ago, when this boy was two. I see them each year before the holiday season, and so far it has always been a day that's really cold and dry. I wish I could have warmed this day up, as it wasn't even 40 degrees. This kid is a trooper and has such warm and loving parents. He's currently on the countdown until Christmas!